Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 5 - Feb. 26 & 28

Tuesday: Beastly Bride(groom)
“Fairy Tales from a Jungian Perspective”- Guest Speaker: Dr. Paul Mazeroff, Psychology
Read: “Introduction: Beauty and the Beast” (25-32)
Jeanne-Marie de Beaumont, “Beauty and the Beast” (32-42)
Giovanni Straparola, “The Pig King” (42-47)
Alexander Afanasev, “The Frog Princess” (68-71)

Thursday: Beastly Bride(groom)
Read: Brothers Grimm, “The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich” (47-50)
Angela Carter, “The Tiger’s Bride” (50-66)
“Urashima the Fisherman” (66-68)
“The Swan Maiden” (72-73)
Maria Tatar, "Sex and Violence," in: The Classic Fairy Tale, pp 364-373

Blog Entry 5: The topic of this blog entry is “A Jungian View of Fairy Tales.” What is the relationship between fairy tales and the Jungian psychoanalysis? Make sure to include what Dr. Mazeroff talked about.  Blog is due by Sunday, March 3.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 4 - Feb. 19 & 21

Tuesday: Little Red Riding Hood – Loss of Innocence – Part 1
Read: “Introduction: Little Red Riding Hood” (3-10)
“The Story of the Grandmother” (10-11)
Charles Perrault, “Little Red Riding Hood” (11-13)
Zohar Shavit, “The Concept of Childhood and Children’s Folktales,” in: The Classic Fairy Tales, pp. 317-332.

Thursday: Little Red Riding Hood – Loss of Innocence – Part 2
Read: Brothers Grimm, “Little Red Cap” (13-16)
Italo Calvino, “The False Grandmother” (17-19)
Chiang Mi, “Goldflower and the Bear” (19-21)
Bruno Bettelheim, "Little Red Riding Hood,” pp. 166-183.
Blog Entry 4: Find a cartoon on-line with “Little Red Riding Hood” as a theme and write a reflection on that cartoon. What kind of cartoon is that (political, social)? How do you like it, etc.? Add a copy of the cartoon, name of cartoonist and the source (URL).  Blog is due by Sunday, Feb. 24.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 3 – Feb. 12 & 14

Tuesday: The Child as Hero
Read: Introduction: Hansel and Gretel," The Classic Fairy Tales, (179-184)
Brothers Grimm, "Hansel and Gretel" (184-190)
Brothers Grimm, "The Juniper Tree" (190-197)

Thursday: The Child as Hero
Read: Joseph Jacobs, "The Rose Tree" (197-199)
Charles Perrault, "Little Thumbling" (199-209)
Bruno Bettelheim, "Hansel and Gretel,” pp. 159-166.
Film: “Hansel & Gretel – An Appalachian Version”

Blog Entry 3: The topic of this blog entry is “The Child as a Hero.” Describe the role of various children as heroes in at least 2 fairy tales. Also explain the meaning of this from a Freudian (here Bettelheim) psychoanalytical point of view.  Blog is due by Sunday, Feb. 17, 9 p.m. -

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 2 – Feb. 5 & 7

Tuesday:  Once upon a time …: History, Form and Theories of Fairy Tales
Read: Marie Louise von Franz, “Theories of Fairy Tales,” pp. 1-23
Film: The Brothers Grimm – Part 3

Thursday: Why read folk and fairy tales? Morphology of folk and fairy tales
Read: Bruno Bettelheim, “Introduction. The Struggle for Meaning,” pp. 3-19.
Film: The Brothers Grimm – Part 4

Blog Entry 2: Develop a one-page working definition of folk or fairy tale based on class discussions, materials we have read in class. Blog is due by Sunday, Feb. 10, 9 p.m.