Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 8 – March 26 & 28

Week 8 – March 26 & 28

Tuesday: Villains: “Bluebeard”
Read: “Introduction: Bluebeard" (138-144)
Charles Perrault, "Bluebeard" (144-148)
Brothers Grimm, "Fitcher's Bird" (148-151)
Brothers Grimm, "The Robber Bridegroom" (151-154)
Joseph Jacobs, "Mr. Fox" (154-156)  

Thursday: Film: Pretty Woman or Disney’s Cinderella
Read: Bettelheim “Cinderella,” pp. 236-277

Blog Entry 7: This entry should be about Bluebeard as a villain: Which of the Bluebeard tales we have read did you like the most/ least? Why? How is this tale different from others we have read? What makes it special? Please elaborate and include quotes from the tale to prove your point of view; Blog is due by Sunday, March 31.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 7 – March 12 & 14

Tuesday: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Read: “Lasair Gheug, the King of Ireland’s Daughter” (90-96)
Ann Sexton, “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs” (96-100)
S. Gilbert and S. Gubar, “Snow White and Her Wicked Stepmother,” in: The Classic Fairy Tale, pp 291-297

Thursday: Midterm Exam will cover all materials studied in the first half of the semester including all required readings and fairy tales.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 6 – March 5 & 7

Tuesday: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Read: “Introduction: Snow White” (74-80)
Giambattista Basile, “The Young Slave” (80-83)
Brothers Grimm, “Snow White” (83-89)

Thursday: Film: Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Read: Jack Zipes: “Breaking the Disney Spell,” in: The Classic Fairy Tale, pp 332-352
Blog Entry 6: Watch the music clip “Sonne” by Rammstein on YouTube and compare the story and persons, motifs, symbols in the music video with those in the “Snow White” fairy tales we have read in class. What is similar? What is different? Which one do you like better and why? Blog is due by Sunday, March 10.